Are You Living In The Past?

 Have you ever been told to stop living in the past? People will often say this in an attempt to provide promising advice about moving on with your life. It sounds easy, but is it?  

Although it sounds easy enough, it can be very difficult, specifically if there are deep-seated reasons behind living in the past. Significant past incidents and memories, such as the death of a loved one, a painful breakup, traumatic childhood, etc., can be contributing characteristics as to why you can't simply and easily move on with life. 

Perhaps though, you may be carrying on to things that are no longer relevant. 

If you can't let go of the past, you won't be able to fully enjoy the beauty of the present. The most challenging part of any change is making the decision and starting.  

The first step is some quiet and fit self-review. 

Pause for a while and reflect on your current life and its associated feelings, compared to what they could be. Without your active effort, things may improve, terribly slowly. You can take action and make space for a new more comfortable life.

Here's how to move ahead.

Ways to Effectively Let Go of The Past .

Focus on the present.

Stop reliving the past and move on. No matter what you do, you can't untie or transform the past, no matter how much you wish. Instead, what you can do is to create the present day the best. Live as if it's your last day. You will have less time to think about the past if you actively focus on the present. 

If you are too fixated on prior negative experiences, there will be no room for positivity. This is completely a choice you can and have to make - whether to continue hurting yourself or to welcome the new day, potentially full of joy. 

Determine to let it all go, and do this with confidence. 

To make it work, commit yourself to "move on" and "let it go." If you don't, things will continue to go in loops and could end you up obtaining attached in the past, again. Make a decision that will empower you and your future, commit to it, and act. 

Make room for forgiveness. 

It may be hard to forget what has happened in the past and the bad behaviors of the people involved in it. Getting past bitterness and forgiving others is a critical step. More to the point, you need the recovery that forgiving another brings.

Forgiving doesn't necessarily mean you agree with what they did. You can acknowledge that they did wrong, or badly, yet still forgive them anyhow. It's definitely not a sign of weakness if you do so. It's guarantee that you want to move on with life and welcome any joy the present moment brings. 

Physically distance yourself. 

Don't remain attached to an environment (including people) that keeps you tangled in your current circumstances and mindset. It is emotionally beneficial to distance yourself from a problem or person that is pushing you to be unhappy. Psychological or physical distance can help with the "letting go" process by goodness of not being regularly reminded of anything that inhibits your progress. 

Acceptance is the key. 

Accepting your past incidents and the people that have been part of it will help you in moving on. You must recognize that none of these need to define who you are. Practice the art of acceptance, transform yourself, and set yourself free. 

Be responsible for your own happiness. 

Your feelings are yours alone; you can't blame someone for them. If you do, you're letting someone to totally take over you, at least emotionally. You will feel a massive sense of happiness and empowerment once you take responsibility for your feelings and emotions. Your attitude plays a bigger role in this than any external factors. 

Evaluate your feelings.

When assessing your feelings, you need to know what are they bringing to you. Recall if there are happy, positive thoughts there. But if dredging the past causes negativity that will adversely impact your here and now, don't stay on it. Replace it with a better idea. 

Make some contributions. 

Going the extra mile to help others can make you feel sociable and happy on the inside. It is one of the best ways to align with the real you. Illuminate yours, and another's day by offering a smile, saying a simple hello, or giving a contribution to a valuable cause. These simple acts of service can help you set your mindset on a brighter path and can have a lasting impact on others and yourself. 

Hopefully this can help you with your "moving on" step. Any action you make will all be worth it. You can do it - joyfulness to a brighter present and future. 

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